Building Performance Evaluation
What is Building Performance Evaluation?
Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) is the analysis of buildings to determine whether and how they meet the needs of their users. This might lead to the identification of previously unknown problems or a better understanding of known problems in order that they can be resolved. This information is also valuable to design teams so that the design of future buildings can be improved.
Who might commission this service?
Anyone with an interest / stake in building performance or management such as:
Homeowners who have commissioned a custom house design
Architects / Designers
Contractors / House builders
Housing Associations / Local Authorities
Private building managers
When should it be done?
City of York Council Housing Development Team commissioned the design of a
wide-ranging BPE for 600 new homes on eight sites in York
Building Performance Evaluation can be customised to your needs by selecting the themes and issues relevant to your project
What is evaluated?
I have developed a comprehensive residential BPE toolkit for evaluating both quantitative and qualitative aspects, at building and neighbourhood scale. It covers the following themes, though each BPE can be tailored to include only the themes and elements you require:
- Design and procurement processes
- Occupation process
- Identity
- Neighbourhood
- Transport
- Gardens / Outdoor space
- Interior spaces
- Systems and indoor environment
- Community
- Lifestyle
- Health and wellbeing
- Sustainability
- Quality
- Economy
- Management
How does the service work?
Initially we will define the scope of the works, that is, what themes and specific elements of building performance you want to evaluate. We will also agree which other consultants will be involved, and everyone’s role and responsibilities.
I will liaise with your design team, contractor and any relevant specialists (e.g. for measuring light levels, thermal transmittance or air pressure) who will collect and analyse the technical data, and provide information on the design and procurement processes where relevant.
I will carry out the qualitative research (such as questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and workshops), collecting, analysing and interpreting the data.
Collaborating with the rest of the team, I will co-ordinate a final report on building performance that cross references the quantitative and qualitative data where appropriate, references benchmarking data where available, and makes recommendations.