I offer a range of heritage consultancy services and heritage reports, tailored to your needs. Starting from a heritage statement to accompany a planning application for a residential project, to a full research report with surveys for an historic area, I can provide the information you need to move your project forward, manage change and protect the historic environment.
Assessing the significance of buildings of all styles and periods
Desk-based Assessments
Heritage / Impact / Significance Statements
Statements for planning applications, based on HER / mapping / digital data, for:
- Houses in conservation areas
- Larger buildings in conservation areas
- Listed and locally listed properties
- Unlisted houses / properties in or near World Heritage Sites
- Listed houses / properties in or near World Heritage Sites
Buildings Archaeology Reports
Reports for planning applications, conservation management planning and record for:
- Listed and locally listed properties
- Unlisted houses / properties in or near World Heritage Sites
- Listed houses / properties in or near World Heritage Sites
Research Reports
Historic Area Assessments (including Conservation Area Appraisal and Character Area Assessments)
Reports for planning applications, conservation management planning, record and designation for:
- Undesignated neighbourhoods / areas
- Conservation areas
- Small villages
- Rural settlements
Historic Building Appraisal
Reports for conservation management planning, record and listing /de-listing applications for:
- Houses and non-residential properties
- Designated or undesignated properties
- Includes desk-based and survey research
Conservation Management Plans
Reports for conservation management planning (as Historic Building Appraisal or Historic / Conservation / Character Area Assessment plus policies for future use and change) for:
- Houses and non-residential properties
- Conservation areas
- Areas (neighbourhoods, towns, rural)
- Designated or undesignated
- Includes desk-based and survey research
Maintenance Plans
Reports for maintenance planning for:
- Houses and non-residential properties
- Designated or undesignated properties
Heritage at Risk surveys – Grade II and locally listed buildings in the Historic Core area of York
Condition Surveys
- Neighbourhood level (basic survey of large number of houses e.g. in a conservation area or historic area)
- Portfolio (basic survey of an owner’s portfolio e.g.landlords with adjacent properties / properties located in close proximity or a Local Authority Heritage at Risk Survey)
- Property (detailed interior and exterior survey, but excluding specialist work such as testing of services or structural testing). Not suitable for mortgage / house purchase.
Phasing Surveys
- Neighbourhood level (indicates earliest construction date of individual buildings using documentary evidence only). See Characterisation Maps below.
- Building (indicates interior and exterior elements using documentary evidence and visual survey techniques). See Phasing Diagrams below.
Basic measured surveys of houses and small non-residential properties.
- Basic survey (walls, windows, doors, elevations)
- Intermediate survey (as Basic plus jamb details, decorative brickwork / timber, balustrading)
- Detailed survey (as Intermediate plus decorative plasterwork, joinery, material textures, shadow)
Specialist Drawings
Phasing Diagrams
Provided in diagrammatic form to indicate construction and / or modification date. Purchase in conjunction with buildings archaeology report or historic building appraisal and / or survey. Available as:
- Photographic survey (elevations only)
- Line drawing
Characterisation Maps
Maps to indicate the specific characteristics of an area such as a neighbourhood or conservation area (e.g. age, condition, property type, designation). Purchase in conjunction with:
- Historic Area Assessment
- Character Area Assessment
- Conservation Area Appraisal
- Neighbourhood Condition Survey